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Child Custody Stress Prevention Program

Child Custody Stress Prevention Program works with separating/divorcing parents to focus attention on the needs and development of their children. Striving to prevent more serious social and emotional harm to children, the program attempts to reduce the conditions which produce stress. The program focuses on the need for stability between separating parents, to more constructively address custody issues and enhance co-parenting, where it is safe to do so.

Children and parents benefit by experiencing less stress in their lives at an already difficult time. Since its inception in 1982, this program has helped thousands of families through the difficult process of divorce.

Topics include:

  • Changes caused by marital separation
  • Separating marital from parental issues
  • Establishing a business like relationship
  • Cooperative and parallel parenting
  • Children’s reaction to divorce, loss, change
  • Helping children cope with family re-adjustments
  • Successful outcomes for children of divorce
  • Talking to children about family change Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  • Conflict reduction methods
  • Mediation and its application
  • Continued parenting and taking responsibility for meeting children’s needs
  • The Legal System- child custody law, history, trends, and how courts determine custody


Program fee is $100.00 due in advance of the first session. Reduced fees are available for those who meet income guidelines (please ask for more information).


To enroll in a course click the Enroll button and submit your information:


Once you have enrolled, you may pay your course fee here: