Over the last few months our community, Country, and the world have been experiencing a clashing of very traumatic and emotional experiences. Starting with the COVID-19 health crisis, and then the current civil unrest that has broken out due to decades of emotional pain and physical assaults on our Black and Brown community members.


During this time, Saratoga Center for the Family staff have been reflecting on ways to work even more towards equality, social justice, diversity and inclusion. 

Rebecca Baldwin, Executive Director of Saratoga Center for the Family said, “The Center is dedicated and focused on helping victims of violence and trauma.  We are redoubling our efforts acknowledging the emotional and physical toll Black and Brown community members have experienced for hundreds of years and regrettably, more recently.  While not all of us may personally understand, we all do understand the effects of racial trauma – the collective harm, injury, and emotional angst experienced by people of color as a result of repeated direct and indirect exposure to race-based toxic stress, institutional racism, racist acts and discrimination."

At Saratoga Center for the Family, the heart of our work is in raising awareness, inspiring hope, and working towards healing for victims and those who have experienced trauma. In honor and memorial for all those who have experienced violence, racial trauma, and social injustice, Saratoga Center for the Family hosted a virtual vigil put together by the Center staff, which aired on the one-month mark of George Floyd's death. 

The Center will be continuing this work towards social justice, equality, diversity and inclusion by working together internally as a staff and board, as well as externally with our community partners. 

Saratoga Center for the Family offers mental health and trauma counseling as well as educational programming, and victim services. Mental health is essential to everyone's overall health and wellbing, and it is important to know that mental illnesses and trauma responses are common and treatable.